Apricot, Sulphured
1 lb bag $8.00
5 lb bag $40.00
28 lb case $224.00
Dried Apricots
Dried Apricots are one of the most popular dried fruits available. We sell about 6 tons a year, and the only fruit we move significantly more of is cranberry. Apricots are so versatile: they’re easy to eat straight (they’re dry to the touch and perfectly chewy), they chop well into baked goods, and they reduce wonderfully for jams and sauces. When people think of ‘dried fruit’, dried apricots are very often the thing they picture.
The apricot is part of the ‘Stone Fruit’ family, and although there is only one species of tree that is techinically an apricot, there are a handfull of very close relatives whose fruit are also called and consumed as apricots. They’re signature bright yellow-orange color is preserved in this product by the addition of sulphur dioxide.
At Mount Hope Wholesale, we also carry natural dried apricots, with no added preservatives. The color of these is darker, like all untreated dried fruits that brown quickly. But regardless of whether SO2 is added, their nutrient value remains high. Apricots offer about a quarter of our daily dose of vitamins A & E, potassium, and iron. The nutrient concentration of a dried fruit is higher than the raw, as the water weight has been greatly reduced.