Cherry, Tart
1 lb bag $12.95
5 lb bag $64.75
25 lb case $323.75
Tart Cherries
Tart Cherries are a great way to boost your immune system. Loaded with rich nutrients including Vitamins A, C, K, plus potassium, copper and manganese, these bright-red berries also boast a good source of B vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium and omega-3 and 6-fats.
These cherries are scientifically known as Prunus Cerasus and come from a tree native to southwest Asia and Europe. They grow between 4 and 10 meters with twiggy branches that produce fruit on the smaller branches. They are also referred to as sour cherries, dwarf or Montmorency. There are three types of sour cherry trees: morello, amarelle and the Montmorency.
Ways to enjoy this sweet-and-sour fruit are endless, and although harvested in the summer months, tart cherries can be enjoyed year-round, typically eaten dried, frozen or juiced. Unlike its counterpart sweet cherries that are normally served fresh, tart cherries can be purchased canned, jarred, dried, juiced and frozen. Add tart cherries to various dishes morning, noon and night for added flavor and a nutritional boost; Think snacks and baked goods (trail mix, muffins, parfaits, oat-meal), meals (salads, grains and rice), and even liqueurs can be blended with tart cherries.
The substantial health perks of the nutrients inside cherries will keep you noshing on more:
- Sipping on tart cherry juice after a workout or run, can help relieve sore muscles.
- Tart cherries are rich in melatonin, helping with insomnia.
- Known to relieve inflammation and joint pain during arthritis and gout flare ups.
Oddly, these cherries are rather sweeter than our other cherry variety, the bing . Despite the unintuitive naming convention, the bing cherries are actually more ‘tart’ (or at least less sweet) than these. If your preparation calls for the flavor of cherry, but less sweetness, try them out.