Corn Nut, Jumbo Roasted Salted

1 lb bag $7.30

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5 lb bag $36.50

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20 lb case $146.00

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Jumbo Roasted Salted Corn Nuts

Corn nuts, also known as toasted corn, parched corn, quico, cancha, or chulpi have stood the test of time and remain one of the world’s favorite snacks. Our bulk Jumbo Roasted Salted Corn Nuts raise the bar on this tasty favorite taking it to the next level of deliciousness. Corn nuts aren’t actually a nut, they are corn kernels that are roasted creating an incredibly crunchy, robust, and nutty-tasting snack.

Corn nuts are not only rich in flavor but rich in history. They were actually mentioned as parched corn in the Little House on the Prarie book series and enjoyed by early European colonists because the processed corn was light to carry while traveling in covered wagons. Soldiers in the Civil War ate corn nuts referred to as Panola a staple during battles. Corn nuts were introduced as a snack to the United States in 1936 by Albert Holloway. He sold them to tavern owners because they paired perfectly with beer. He originally called them Olin’s Brown Jug Toasted Corn and later shortened the name to corn nuts because the processed corn resembled peanuts.

Our Jumbo Roasted Salted Corn nuts are lower in calories than other snacks. They are offer energy-boosting carbohydrates, are cholesterol-free, and low in sugar. They are a source of fiber and iron, both part of a healthy diet. Jumbo Roasted Salted Corn Nuts are delicious alone, but pair well with nuts and dried fruit. Sprinkle chili powder, barbeque spice, or another favorite seasoning over your Jumbo Roasted Salted Corn Nuts to enhance the flavor even more.

Buy this perfect snack, which is super crunchy and savory at Mount Hope Wholesale in bulk or individual 1 lb and 5 lb bags.

Ingredients: Jumbo corn, canola oil, salt