Pecan, Pieces Praline (Candied)
1 lb bag $6.95
5 lb bag $34.75
25 lb case $173.75
Pecan Pralines
Pralines likely originated as an almond confection developed in France by Chef Clement Lassagne, who worked for a diplomat and sugar manufacturer, César duc de Choiseul, Comte du Plessis-Praslin, in the 17th century. Chef named the caramelized creation “praslin”, in honor of his employer.
The praline we know today evolved by chefs in Louisiana and Texas adapting the French recipe to include pecans instead of harder to obtain almonds. Pecans are native to the Southern U.S. & Mexico. Different sources credit Ursuline nuns, Mexican street vendors or African-American chefs for developing the modern pecan praline. Pecans being as plentiful as sugar and butter or cream in the American South during the 18th and 19th centuries, they could easily have evolved independently in different quarters.
Today, the Louisiana version is softer and perhaps closer to the original, but don’t say that to a Texan who grew up on the crunchier version.
Pralines are a great topping for salads, ingredient for baking, or just snacking.