Pepper, Black Fine
1 lb bag $9.85
5 lb bag $49.25
Fine Black Pepper
Fine black pepper is the chef’s choice for sauces and dishes where pepper’s taste is necessary, but the appearance should be suppressed. You can use less with the same impact. More flavor, less bite. Great for soups, deli salads, dressings, marinades, stews, etc.
Black pepper is native to the south Indian state of Kerala. The word pepper derives originally for the Tamil for “long pepper” pippali, which made its way through ancient Greece and Rome to northern Europe and the English pipor.
The Arab traders who took over the trade of pepper after the fall of ancient Rome spun a tale of poisonous serpents who guarded the pepper plants of India and the Caucasus. Apparently the trees had to be burned to drive away the serpents and this turned the pepper form white to black.
Black pepper is notable for its digestive, anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties. This product can be stored for at least a year if kept in a tight container and between 50º-58º.