Raisins, Dark
1 lb bag $3.85
5 lb bag $19.25
30 lb case $115.50
Dark Raisins
As we all learned as children, dark raisins make a great, energy-boosting snack. Pair them with many of our other offerings, such as cranberries, peanuts or walnuts, for fulfilling boost. Raisins also add zip to breakfast cereal, luncheon salads and dinner dishes like rice pilaf.
Our raisins got their start as Thompson seedless grapes. Drying under the sun triggers caramelization, changing the original light green color to dark brown. We can thank a British viticulturist for popularizing those thin-skinned, seedless and deliciously sweet grapes. Unsatisfied with the harvest from his California vineyard in the 19th century, William Thompson began experimenting with imported cuttings and eventually stumbled upon the choice grape that would inherit his name.
Dense and delicious, the dark raisin is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber and abundant phytonutrients. It will satisfy your sweet tooth without jacking up blood glucose. One 2015 study suggests that dark raisins can help manage type II diabetes. Patients who regularly consumed dark raisins after a meal had a 23 percent reduction in blood sugar levels.
Raisins are heart-friendly, too. The American College of Cardiology reports that daily consumption of raisins can lower blood pressure among the mildly hypertensive, while the potassium inside can reduce the risk of stroke. Another important mineral found in raisins is calcium, key to bone health. What’s more, the tiny dynamo also contains boron, a nutrient needed to absorb calcium—but one often missing from many diets.
Troubled by arthritis? The anti-inflammatory properties in raisins could help. Suffering from constipation? Raisin fiber can keep you regular. Still getting dental cavities? The oleanic acid in raisins can kill the bacteria responsible for both tooth decay and gum disease.
We welcome both wholesale and at-home buyers. Our dark raisins are also available in convenient 1 and 5 pound bags, as well as by the whole case.