Grand Canyon Gorp
1 lb bag $7.40
5 lb bag $37.00
25 lb sack $185.00
Grand Canyon Gorp
The exact origins of Gorp may be disputed – some say the delicious mixture of raisins and peanuts was invented by two hungry California surfers in 1968 while others point to the mention of Gorp in Jack Kerouac’s 1958 novel The Dharma Bums. Whatever the beginnings, one thing that has never been disputed is that Gorp is tasty and packed with energy-rich ingredients.
Mount Hope Wholesale Grand Canyon Gorp is a premium mixture of peanuts, raisins, M&M chocolate candies, almonds and cashews. It is high in flavor, protein and all the sweet, salty, crunchy, chewy goodness you expect in this classic snack.
Of course Gorp is great for snacking on the go. Take a bag when you go hiking or camping for quick energy without the fuss of preparing or packing a meal on the trail. Parents know Gorp is perfect for an after-school or pre-soccer snack that will keep kids satisfied when dinner is still too far away (though they may need to make sure the M&Ms don’t get picked out disproportionately).
As delicious as Gorp is when eaten out of hand, it is also a versatile ingredient that can make many of your go-to dishes more special. Sprinkle a handful in hot cereal, bake it into muffins or scones, mix it into yogurt or use our bulk Grand Canyon Gorp as a topping for ice cream. You can even make your own energy bars with Mount Hope gorp by mixing it with almond butter or peanut butter, applesauce and coconut oil then pressing the mixture into a baking dish and baking at 350 until the mixture dries. Slice into bars and wrap individually for a satisfying meal anytime. Don’t forget, you can also create your own personalized version of gorp by adding other dried ingredients such as Mount Hope Wholesale coconut chips or your favorite nuts.