Sesame Seed, Black
1 lb bag $5.35
5 lb bag $26.75
50 lb case $267.50
Black Sesame Seeds
Black Sesame Seeds are flat, tiny, oval seeds that have a rich, nutty, and a slightly sweet flavor. They come from a flowering plant and are widely naturalized in regions around the world including India and Africa. The plants are harvested for their seeds, which grow in pods or buns that burst open when the plant reaches maturity. Today, sesame seeds are used throughout the world in many recipes and dishes and have grown in popularity for their extremely high nutritious components.
Wholesale black sesame seeds and the oil from the seeds are highly valued for their nutritional and anti-aging properties. Research indicates that eating these black beauties can even reverse hair from turning gray. They are also a good source of energy due to their high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and Omega-6. Black Sesame seeds are also a significant source of fiber, iron, calcium, vitamin B, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. Sesame seeds offer the highest phytosterol content of all types of nuts and seeds, which keeps cholesterol levels at heart healthy levels.
Black sesame seeds contribute to an overall healthy lifestyle and can improve cardiovascular health, reduce inflammation, support respiratory health, protect against colon cancer, fight constipation, prevent osteoporosis and protect the liver. Bulk sesame seeds are also available in raw white, toasted, and a premixed tuxdeo blend. Each option is just as nutritious, but with subtle taste differences.
Black Sesame seeds can be toasted, sprinkled on foods, rolled in sushi and served with hummus. Try adding to salads, baking in flat breads, deep-frying in snacks and sprinkling in sauces. They are also great added to baked goods, stirred into soups and mixed into marinades. Make breakfast more healthy and interesting by adding to pancakes, oatmeal, cereal and breakfast bars.
Mount Hope Wholesale has the freshest bulk black sesame seeds for all of your cooking needs. We have convenient 1 and 5 pound bags, as well as full cases.