Pepper, Black Whole

1 lb bag $9.50
5 lb bag $47.50
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Whole Black Pepper

The peppercorn is the fruit of the Piperaceae vine family, piper nigrum. It’s native to a southern state of India called Kerala, where it has been used in cooking for at least 4000 years. Cultivated year-round because it’s not seasonal, whole black pepper is the world’s most traded spice.

The flavor of the peppercorn derives from the fruit, as well as the seed, unlike white peppercorn, of which only the seed is used. Terpenes in the fruit layer contribute woody, floral and citrusy notes. The aroma of the peppercorn disperses quickly when ground, accounting for the popularity of hand-milled peppercorns on salads and soups etc.. Spice mills were used in Europe as early as the 14th century. All benefits of pepper are maximized by grinding the peppercorns at the time of usage.

Pepper plants are grown from stem cuttings, which mature in 2 to 5 years, and can produce for up to 40 years, but typically for 7. The drupe (as the pepper fruit is called) is picked green and generally boiled for a short time for cleaning and drying out the soon-to-be-peppercorn, so the fruit becomes a thin layer around the seed.

Black pepper is notable for its digestive, anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties. This product can be stored for at least a year if kept in a tight container and between 50°-58°. We also carry whole white, green, pink, tellicherry and a rainbow assortment.

Ingredients: Black Peppercorns